jodhpur handicraft: Jodhpur Handicraft Reach 5000cr

image source jodhpur handi craft asst & google

Jodhpur is known all over the world for its guest companion.

image source jodhpur handi craft asst & google

The culture here is a unique example in itself.

image source jodhpur handi craft asst & google

There is another reason that Jodhpur is famous for it's handicraft 

image source jodhpur handi craft asst & google

900 exporters in Jodhpur city alone

image source jodhpur handi craft asst & google

This industry of Jodhpur is the largest foreign exchanger.

image source jodhpur handi craft asst & google

The demand for art handicrafts of Jodhpur is highest in the US and Europe.

image source jodhpur handi craft asst & google

Exports 270 containers daily

image source jodhpur handi craft asst & google

From Jodhpur, export of 5 thousand crores is done abroad and 2 thousand crores is exported domestically.

image source jodhpur handi craft asst & google