Sharon Stone’s 1992 Oscar Moment: Doing Her Own Glam and Buying a Polyester Jumpsuit

Sharon Stone’s 1992 Oscar Moment

Sharon Stone's 1992 Oscar Moment
Sharon Stone’s 1992 Oscar Moment

(Sharon Stone’s 1992 Oscar Moment) Sharon Stone, the famous American actress, recently spoke about her experience of attending the Oscar Awards for the first time in 1992, before her big break in the film industry. Stone recalled that as her movie Basic Instinct had not been released yet, no one was willing to lend her a dress. So, she bought a Betsey Johnson polyester jumpsuit and did her own hair and makeup. She felt out of place among all the other guests who were wearing expensive dresses. However, when she arrived at the event, she received validation from legendary actor Anthony Hopkins for her role in Basic Instinct.

Stone went on to be nominated for an Oscar for Best Actress in a Leading Role for her performance in Casino in 1996. In that same year, she made another daring fashion statement by wearing a Gap t-shirt, an Armani velvet jacket, and a Valentino skirt to the ceremony.

Stone has since been labeled a style icon, but she credits her success in fashion to the designers she has worked with throughout her career. She also revealed that she kept the white dress she wore during her interrogation room scene in Basic Instinct, even though people thought she was crazy for doing so. She explained that she wasn’t getting paid much compared to her male co-star and keeping the costumes was a smart thing to do.

Stone also shared that the white dress is still zipped up in a garment bag and has never been opened since the movie was made. She keeps it as a memento of the lessons she learned while making the film, including how to own her power and speak up for herself.

Overall, Sharon Stone’s experience at the Oscar Awards in 1992 was a humbling one, but it also showed her resilience and determination to make it in the industry. Stone’s subsequent success in film and fashion has cemented her status as an icon in both fields.

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