how to get fit and toned at home: with yoga & pulse exercises: after covid-19

Since Kovid-19, we have started worrying more about our health, and started thinking how to get fit and toned at home which is a good thing. But since Lockdown, we have started doing more work form home, due to which we started reducing physical activity. Due to which our body started having adverse effect, many diseases like obesity, blood pressure, sugar started increasing. So today you will know how we can keep ourselves fit even by staying at home.

image credit to POPSUGAR

Try these 6 pulse exercises for your question(how to get fit and toned at home)

Now is the right time to know: You can do all these exercises at home

We all put extra effort into our workout routine. Whether it is to change your schedule, try something new or challenge yourself with different weights, it is also important for you to know whether the extra effort you are making is working? And that’s exactly why we are going to introduce you to pulse exercises.

The most common one you might have heard about is the squat pulse for how to get fit and toned at home

squat pulse:-

The sole purpose of doing pulse exercises is to tone the muscles completely. These contract the smaller muscles, helping them to become leaner and tighter. These can help you achieve a toned body, and yes.. we are not kidding!

That’s why we have for you six pulse exercises that can tighten the most stubborn muscles in your body.

1. Pilate’s Pulse:-

Come into boat pose and extend your arms in front of you. As soon as the timer starts, pulse with your arm as you try to tap the floor. Move your arms at the same time, and aim for at least 100 pulses.

2. Sumo Pulse:- Get into a sumo squat position, and go down as far as you can. Now, pulse your body by raising it slightly and then lowering it back down. Just remember that you don’t have to lift too high, otherwise your inner thighs will lose contraction. You can do this for a minute.

how to get fit and toned at home: with yoga & pulse exercises: after covid-19

3. Triceps Pulse:- Get into triceps kickback position and keep your arms straight. Move your lower arm to pulse, and kick it slightly backward. You can choose the weight according to your comfort. You can do it without them too. Another thing to note is that you can either move your arms at the same time (especially if there is no weight) or you can move them alternately (if there is a weight). Do this for one minute.

4.Bridge Pulse:- Do you all remember doing bridge pose? Now, all you have to do is stay in this pose for 30 seconds, and then do it really fast for at least 40 pulses. Just remember that you don’t have to move the entire bridge; Little Pulse is all you need.

how to get fit and toned at home: with yoga & pulse exercises: after covid-19

5. Biceps Pulse:- Hold weights in both your hands (choose light weights). Lift your lower arm and keep your elbow and upper arm tight by your side. Your lower and upper arms should form a 90-degree angle. Now, all you have to do is pulse with your lower arm. Shake both the arms together and do these pulses for at least a minute.


6. Planck Pulse:- Get into a forearm plank. Hold it for 30 seconds and then move your body back and forth. This will create a pulse effect on your core. After holding these pulses for 30 seconds, hold the plank for another 30 seconds.

Yoga:- for how to get fit and toned at home

To keep both body and mind healthy, benefits can be gained by including yogasanas in regular routine. Yogasanas calm the mind along with boosting the energy levels in the body. In such a situation, it can be said that regular practice of yogasanas can be very helpful for you to increase the quality of life. The practice of yoga connects the body, breath and mind. Yogasanas combine physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation to improve overall health.

According to health experts, practicing yogasanas can be helpful from reducing the risk of many diseases to boosting health. Practicing many types of yoga postures from Pranayama can be helpful in keeping you physically and mentally healthy.

What are the benefits of regular yoga?

Yoga also improves your body posture and flexibility by improving your overall fitness level. Practicing yogasanas daily can be beneficial to reduce the risks of many health problems.

.Helps to control blood pressure and heart rate.

.The body gets rest.

.Your confidence improves.

.The problem of stress is reduced.

.Improves body coordination.

.Your concentration improves.

.Helps to get better sleep. .Can provide relief from the problem of digestion and diabetes

5 main asanas of yoga and their benefits: for how to get fit and toned at home

1. Swastikasana:- (how to get fit and toned at home)

Position: – Sit on a clean blanket or cloth with legs spread out.

Method: – Bend the left leg from the knee and establish it between the right thigh and the shin (calf, the part below the knee) and in such a way that the bottom of the left foot is hidden, after that the toes of the right foot and the bottom of the left foot. Swastikasana is formed by establishing it between the thigh and calf. Sit in the meditation posture and hold the breath as much as possible by keeping the spine straight. Do the same process by changing the legs.

the gain:-

Foot pain, sweating goes away.

Hot or cold feet are removed.. It is a good posture for meditation.

2.Gomukhasana:-(how to get fit and toned at home)


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Sit with both legs extended in front. Bend the left leg and place the heel near the right buttocks.

Bend the right leg and place it on the left leg in such a way that both the knees are on top of each other.

Raise the right hand up and turn towards the back and bring the left hand behind the back and hold the right hand. Keep the neck and waist straight.

After doing it for about a minute from one side, do the same on the other side.

Tip:- Keep the hand (right / left) of the same side on which the foot is kept above.

the gain:-

It is especially beneficial in testicular enlargement and bowel enlargement.

It is beneficial in metal diseases, polyuria and gynecological diseases.

Strengthens the liver, kidney and thoracic area. Removes arthritis, gout.

    3.Ardha Matsyendrasana:-(how to get fit and toned at home)


Sit with both legs extended in front. Bend the left leg and place the heel near the buttocks.

Place the left foot on the ground on the outside near the knee of the right foot.

Keeping the left hand straight out near the right knee, hold the toes of the right foot.

Look backwards by rolling the right hand from behind the back.

Similarly do this asana from the other side.

the gain:-

Beneficial in diabetes and backache. Related Post: How To Control Diabetes?

In all the veins of the country, the blood circulation (which is spread around the vertebra) runs smoothly.

Removes abdominal (abdominal) disorders and provides strength to the eyes.

4. udarakarshan or shankhasan:-(how to get fit and toned at home)

Position:- Sit in the cork posture.


Keeping your hands on your knees, sit down on your toes (Kagasana). There should be a gap of about one and a half feet in the feet.

While breathing in, keep the right knee near the toes of the left foot and bend the left knee to the right.

Rotate the neck from the left side to the back and look back.

After stopping for a while, come in the middle while exhaling. Similarly do it from the other side.

the gain:-

This is an action of conch shell.

All types of stomach diseases and constipation, constipation, gas, acid bile, sour-sour belching and piles are definitely removed.

Beneficial in all diseases related to intestine, kidney, pancreas and spleen.

5.Sarvangasana:-(how to get fit and toned at home)

Position:- Lie down on your back by laying a rug or blanket.


Slowly raise both the legs and bring them up to 90 degrees. With the help of arms and elbows, raise the lower part of the body so much that it stands straight on the shoulders.

Support the back with hands.. Press the back with the help of hands. Do as much as you can with your chin to the throat.

Then slowly in the former position, first keep the back from the ground and then slowly straighten the legs.

the gain:-

Makes thyroid active and healthy.

Obesity, weakness, lack of growth and fatigue etc. disorders are removed. Related: Ayurvedic Remedies To Reduce Fat

Strengthens adrenal, spermatic gland and ovum glands.

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