Home Made Dog Food Recipe 2023:Top 2 Healthy Homemade Dog Food Recipes

You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for incredibly wholesome and nutrient-rich home made dog food recipe that your dog will adore. There are many different home made dog food recipes, as you are aware. To give you the very best recipes in one article, we combed through literally hundreds of them and separated the wheat from the chaff. These recipes are wholesome, nutritious, and dogs adore them whether you’re a new pet parent with a boisterous puppy paving the way for a healthy future or have an elderly dog with special needs.

home made dog food recipe 2023:Top 2 healthy homemade dog food recipes

Making meals for your dog is the best way to guarantee that he or she is receiving the nutrients they require in their diet. But for some, the idea of preparing meals by hand is just one more thing that we don’t have enough time for. Because of this, we made sure the top 20 recipes were straightforward enough to make in terms of both the ingredients and the time and steps required. Additionally, we have already done the research for you, so browse our list of incredible recipes and save your favourites! Keep in mind any dietary restrictions (like food allergies) and be sure to discuss the transition to homemade meals with your veterinarian.  it could affect your pup.

A Snack for Your Dog and You:(Home Made Dog Food Recipe)

You can prepare this simple salmon meal for yourself and your dog at the same time.

This recipe is made for people who are constantly on the go but still want to eat healthy food and feed it to their dogs. One of the greenest recipes we have seen is this one. The recipe incorporates elements we wouldn’t typically eat, like broccoli stems, into the dog’s delectable meal rather than discarding them.


two salmon portions

and two tablespoons of olive oil

SKIN ON (1 oz per 10 pounds of dog weight plus however much you want)

Squash 1 1 broccoli head (with stem) potato three (any kind)

two carrots.


 (For a meal for your dog)

Peel carrots, trim broccoli stems, and cut squash. Keep the peelings; your dog will benefit from them. Combine, steam in a rice cooker, or bake in the oven.

After adding 1 tablespoon of olive oil to the potato shavings, air fry them (or bake them).

Salmon with the skin on is pan-fried in 1 tablespoon olive oil. At a medium temperature, place the pan skin side down to begin. After flipping, remove both pieces of salmon’s crisp skin and place them in a dog bowl.

Directions: (For The Human Meal) 

Cut up broccoli, carrots, and squash, and steam (or bake) them in a rice cooker. Use a slicer to cut up potato chips. Make french fries if you only have a knife. It’s difficult to cut thin potato chips by hand.

After adding 1 tablespoon of olive oil to the air fryer, air fry potato chips (or place in oven). Check out air fryer.

Salmon with the skin on is pan-fried in 1 tablespoon olive oil. At a medium temperature, place the pan skin side down to begin. After flipping, remove the salmon’s crisp skin from both pieces and place them.

Mix everything together . once the cooking is complete. For ease and a cleaner floor, chop food into small bite-sized pieces.

The Old Standard:(Home Made Dog Food Recipe)

the “Old Standard” because it contains components that you’ve probably seen in many homemade dog meals, such as brown rice, turkey, and vegetables. It’s cheap, simple to make, and healthy. This dish is also ideal for making in large quantities and freezing as single servings that you can thaw for a very long time! Chungah, a food enthusiast without any formal training.


1 1/2 cups brown rice,

2 grated carrots,

1 tablespoon olive oil,

1 grated zucchini,

3 pounds of ground turkey,

1/2 cup canned or frozen peas, and 3 cups chopped baby spinach.


Cook the rice per package directions in a big saucepan with 3 cups of water; set aside.

Over medium heat, warm the olive oil in a sizable Dutch oven or stockpot. Add the ground turkey and cook for 3 to 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until it is browned.

When the spinach has wilted and the mixture is thoroughly heated, stir in the brown rice, carrots, zucchini, peas, and spinach.

Allow to completely cool.

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